Khoury NEU
In 2020, I worked as a teaching assistant (TA) at the Khoury College of Computer Sciences.
Software Development (Fall 2020)
Section head TA (code reviews, office hours, grading, meta grading) -
Principles of Programming Languages (Spring 2020)
TA (office hours, grading), gave a lecture on the Julia language
In 2012–2016 I was teaching at the I. I. Vorovich Institute for Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, my alma mater.
- Theory of Programming Languages (Spring 2016)
Lectures, labs, seminars (it was a new course I designed from scratch)Details
Introduction to the theory of programming languages: judgments, operational semantics, type systems, propositions as types. Programming assignments: interpreters, type checkers, and a simple compiler (all in Standard ML). -
C++ Programming Language (Fall 2016) Labs
Design Patterns (2014–16)
Labs, seminars (I designed all programming assignments) -
Programming Languages (2014–16) Labs, seminars
Computer Architecture (2014–16) Labs
- Introduction to Programming (2012–15)
Labs, seminars (in 2014–2016, I redesigned some programming assignments)