Julia Belyakova

Juliette: a formalization of world age and eval in Julia (2020–…)

A formalization of world age in the Julia language. World age is a mechanism that enables efficient and relatively simple implementation of multiple dispatch in the presence of eval. Namely, the world-age semantics allows Julia to optimize methods and method calls at certain points of the program execution, without ever needing to de-optimize them on the fly.

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What is world age?

World age is a language mechanism that prevents new methods (functions) defined in eval to be called from an already running function. For example, consider the following program:

f(x) = 1

# g(x) calls f(x) once, then
# redefines f(x) in eval, and calls f(x) again
function g(x)
  v1 = f(x)
  v2 = (eval(:(f(x) = 0)); f(x))
  v1 * v2

# at this point, there are two methods:
# f(x) = 1 and g(x) = ...
g(5)     # 1

# at this point, method f is redefined:
# f(x) = 0
g(666)   # 0

Without the world age feature, call g(5) would return 0. This is because the first call to f returns 1, the second would return 0 (because f was redefined in eval), and 1*0 is 0.

However, in Julia, g(5) will actually return 1. Why? Because the redefinition f(x) = 0 from eval is not visible while g(5) is running. We can think of this mechanism in the following way: Julia’s run-time takes a snapshot of method definitions before the call g(5), and then uses the snapshot to resolve nested method calls.
But once g(5) is done, the new definition of f becomes visible, so the next call g(666) will return 0.